Bring some Christmas fun to your house this December! This 25 day Christmas countdown calendar that focuses on kindness and spending time with family!
It’s easy to get swept up in the craziness of December. That’s why we try hard to move the focus from self and presents to others, family, and love. This year, I wanted to try something new. So, I created an advent Christmas calendar. I needed something that was simple for me (I’ve got a lot on my plate!). It also needed to be fun for my kids, of course. I have 3 children 1.5 to 6.5, so I kept that age range in mind. Lastly, I wanted something that will help us give to others as well as enjoy time together. So, I came up with these fun advent activities that you can see in the image below.
Most of the activities are simple, free, and require very little prep. I printed the image below out so I’m not surprised when they open an envelope. Then, I printed small slips and placed them in envelopes.

Would you like to download the individual activity slips to create your Christmas countdown display? You can display them in envelopes (like we did). You can, of course, make it fancy, but we kept it simple.

Or, you could tuck them in your own advent activity display. You can find them in my free resource library. Click the picture below to download them.
Wishing you and yours a lovely holiday season of family, joy, and love! I hope your family enjoys your Christmas calendar.
Want some more simple, kid-friendly Christmas fun? Here are 5 Quick and Easy Kid-Friendly Christmas Crafts.
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