When winter break ends and you head back to school, it’s so easy to want to jump right back into where you left off. However, if you’ve had a week or two, or maybe even three off, there’s a handful of things you’re going to want to do first. Here are 5 things to do when you get back from winter break.
5. Change Up Your Seating Arrangement
I personally find this to be a nice time of the year to change up seating a bit. If you use flexible seating, maybe you want to introduce a few new options. If you use more traditional seating, maybe you want to try new table groups or desk configuration.
If you’re willing, this could also be a great opportunity to sit with your class, discuss what changes might be beneficial, and then have them help make the changes. The great thing about making these changes after winter break is that it feels like a bit of a fresh start. And, if it doesn’t work out, you can always change it back.
4. Review Classroom Expectations and Procedures
Sure, students weren’t gone that long, but changes are when you come back from winter break, they’ll be a little bit rusty on classroom expectations. This is a great time to review your current expectations and procedures. Just like at the beginning of the year, take time to practice them as well. Even if students mostly recall them, it never hurts to review and clarify how things run in your classroom.
It’s also a great time to hold a class meeting and evaluate if it’s time to make some changes. Maybe there’s some new expectations that need to be added. Maybe you can change up some procedures and give students more responsibility.
3. Give Students a Chance to Share
Your students are likely going to come back super excited. They probably spend time with family and friends. They also probably received some gifts. Some students might have even taken exciting trips. Give students some time to chat and share so that way they’re not trying to share during your math lesson.
At the same time, be sensitive to students who might not have had the most amazing winter break. Encourage students to focus less on material things, and more on things that made them happy.
2. Spend Time Reviewing
Even if you’ve only been off for a week, students often forget some of the things you’ve recently learned. Take a day or so to review the last things you covered before you started winter break. Your students might surprise you and bed right with it and ready to move on. Or, you might realize there are some things you need to reteach. Either way, it’s time well spent to make sure your on the same page.
1. Give Yourself and Your Students Grace
After a week or two of probably late nights, late wake ups, and a lot of relaxing, it might take you and your students a little time to get back in the swing of things. That’s normal. And, it’s totally okay. I always think of returning after winter break as a mini back to school week. If you are struggling that first week back, remember that you’ll get back into your normal routine eventually. If you’re having to give your students more reminders than usual, know that they’ll get there as well. You’ve still got the second half of the year to get there.
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