CVCe words, or silent e words, are normally the first long vowel words children learn to write and read. These long vowel words include 3 sounds, a beginning sound, a middle vowel sound that is long, and an ending sound. The e at the end of the word is silent. Kindergarten and first grade teachers use CVCe words often in reading and writing instruction. However, sometimes coming up with CVCe words on the spot can be tricky. That’s why I’ve compiled these handy lists of CVCe long vowel words by vowel sound.
Scroll to the end of the post to download the free printable lists from my free resource library for email subscribers.
How to Use the Lists
These lists can be used any time you need some easy to read or easy to build long vowel words. Print them out and keep them as a reference for small group. You can also use these lists to help build spelling lists, work on segmenting or building CVCe words, or to practice mapping words based on sounds if you follow the science of reading in your classroom. You can also find these words in handy ready to print student friendly lists here.
Looking for CVC word lists? Find them here.
Long Vowel CVCe Silent e Word Family Lists
Below are silent e word lists. They’re grouped by vowel for easy use. First I’ve included CVCe words with a single consonant as the beginning sound. I’ve also included some words that are CVCe words that still fall within the word families. Sometimes students are ready to add a digraph or blend to a CVCe word, and it’s helpful to have some more complex words handy. I’ve also included names in the list which can be handy if you’re working on writing decodable passages or sentences.
Long a CVCe Word Lists
ake words
bake cake make fake lake rake sake take wake Jake
brake Drake flake shake quake snake stake
ale words
sale bale male kale Dale pale tale gale
whale stale scale shale
ate words
late mate Nate hate gate fate date Tate rate Kate sate
plate crate skate grate slate state
ape words
nape cape gape tape
drape shape grape scrape
ame words
name came lame game fame dame same tame
flame blame shame frame
ane words
mane bane vane cane Zane lane Jane Dane sane pane wane
plane crane
ase words
base vase case
ave words
cave gave pave rave save wave Dave
brave crave shave slave grave knave
ade words
made jade fade wade
blade grade shade spade trade
aze words
daze faze gaze haze maze raze
blaze craze glaze graze
age words
cage sage page rage wage
ace words
lace mace Jace face pace race
brace space place trace grace glace
Long e CVCe Word Lists
misc. words
eve Pete theme Steve
Long i CVCe Word Lists
ine words
mine nine vine line fine dine pine wine
shine spine swine twine whine
ite words
mite bite lite kite site rite cite
white quite spite sprite trite write
ide words
hide side ride wide tide
bride chide glide pride slide snide guide
ike words
Mike bike like hike sike pike
spike strike
ife words
life wife
knife strife
ime words
mime lime dime time
chime crime grime prime slime
ipe words
ripe pipe wipe
stripe gripe tripe snipe swipe
ise words
rise wise
ive words
hive five jive dive live
drive chive thrive strive
ile words
file pile bile mile vile tile Nile rile
while smile stile
ice words
mice nice lice dice rice
price slice spice splice twice
ize words
Long o CVCe Word Lists
ote words
note vote dote rote tote mote
wrote quote
obe words
lobe robe
probe globe strobe
ode words
mode node bode code
ome words
home dome tome Rome
gnome chrome
one words
bone cone hone tone lone zone
shone stone clone crone drone phone prone scone throne
ope words
hope cope dope lope mope nope pope rope
trope slope grope scope
ose words
nose hose pose rose
close chose prose those
ove words
cove dove rove
stove drove grove trove
oke words
poke joke yoke woke
smoke bloke broke spoke stoke stroke
ole words
hole pole mole sole dole role
stole whole
misc. words
Long u CVCe Word Lists
ute words
mute cute
flute brute chute
ule words
mule rule yule
une words
tune dune rune
ube words
cube lube tube rube
use words
muse fuse
spruce truce
ude words
rude dude nude
crude prude
misc. words
puke duke
plume truce fluke huge Bruce
Click the picture below to download the free printable lists of silent e word families from my free resource library for email subscribers.