Digraph are two letter that make one sound. After learning short vowel words and simple long vowel words, digraph words are the words students often learn next. Here are lists of digraph words organized by vowel sounds for use in your classroom.
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How to Use the Lists
These lists can be used any time you need some easy to read or easy to build digraph vowel words. Print them out and keep them as a reference for small group. You can also use these lists to help build spelling lists, work on segmenting or building digraph words, or to practice mapping words based on sounds if you follow the science of reading in your classroom.
I have also compiled CVC word lists and CVCe word lists.
Digraph Word Lists
Below you will find digraph words organized by digraph, vowel sound, and complexity. These lists are fairly extensive and include as many digraph words as I could find. I’ve also included names in the list which can be handy if you’re working on writing decodable passages or sentences.
Consonant Digraph Word Lists
sh words
short a
sham shag shack shall mash ash lash dash bash cash hash sash gash rash clash
trash crash flash smash splash squash
short e
shed shell mesh fresh shred shelf
short i
ship shrink shin fish dish wish squish finish shrimp
short o
shop shot shot shock gosh posh
short u
shut shrub shrug shush shun gush rush crush brush flush
long vowel
shame shade shake shave shape Shane she leash sheep sheet shine show shone shy
mixed and variant vowels
shoot shoe shark shirt share sharp short shore shout shear shorts marsh harsh shared polish punish ticklish foolish goldfish
misc. sh words
wash push bush cushion sunshine mushroom shampoo shadow shovel fashion shower blemish vanish ambush should shamrock sheriff shelter demolish replenish English Spanish Swedish British
ch words
short a
chat chap Chad chant branch match patch champ ranch
short e
check chess chest bench fetch
short i
chip chit chin chill chimp chick rich inch itch switch pitch pinch flinch which ditch stitch witch
short o
chop notch chomp
short u
chum chug chuck much such lunch bunch punch crutch
long vowel
chain chase each reach beach cheek speech cheese cheat cheap teach child chime coach cheer change
mixed and variant vowels
chalk chair church charge chart charm cheer cherry chew chili chore watch catch march ouch pooch catch smooch chow choose
misc. ch words
chance chapter checkers China French cheerful charcoal challenge champion channel chariot charity cheetah chicken chief
th words
short a
than that bath math path thank thrash thatch Thad
short e
them then Beth theft Seth
short i
thin thick this with thing pith fifth
short o
moth cloth broth sloth froth throb
short u
thud thus thump thumb
long vowel
theme these those thigh throne teeth three both they breathe wreathe sheath wraith
mixed and variant vowels
thaw their there they’re tooth mouth thirsty south north truth thorn gather sleuth thorn thirteen thirty booth Garth worth
misc. th words
the wrath myth thankful theatre thermos thimble clothes month panther birthday nothing brother mother father healthy strength athlete thesis thunder breath weather whether thistle thread death Theo Anthony Arthur Ethan length
wh words
short a
short e
short i
whim whip whisk which whiff
long vowel
wheel whale wheat wheeze whine while white why whee
mixed and variant vowels
whirl where whew whirl
misc. wh words
whether whisker whisper whistle what who whose whatever wheelbarrow whirlpool Whitney
ph words
short vowel
phonics graph phases phlegm sphinx Philip
long and variant vowels
phase phrase phone photo phew phony sphere trophy gopher aphid
misc. ph words
phantom alphabet dolphin elephant nephew orphan pharaoh pheasant phoenix photocopy telephone pharmacy physics microphone xylophone typhoon
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