Being principled is one of the IB Learner Profile characteristics that we should be encouraging in students. Here are some of my favorite books for encouraging this important skill.
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In my classroom, I organize my classroom library by IB learner profile characteristic. You can read all about how I organize it here. This makes it easier for me to find books to focus on different learner profile attributes. It also helps students keep the learner profile in mind. Here are 6 excellent books for the IB learner profile trait of being principled.
Favorite books for teaching students to be principled
The What Should Danny and Darla Do Series is my favorite book for teaching being principled at the beginning of the school year. In fact, I have a group of lessons surrounding these books! These books are such a great example of how being principled with our choices can lead to great things.
The Magical Yet is a great book that talks about the power of yet. If we want to get where we want to go, we have to be principled and preserve!
Whistle for Willie is one of my favorite books to teach about being principled. I love how this classic book follows Peter as he tries and tries to whistle.
Despite the fact that it’s almost 100 years old, The Little Engine that Could is such a perfect example of being principled in the face of challenges and adversity.
Lilly’s Purple Plastic Purse is the perfect book to talk about how being principled can be really, really hard sometimes! It’s the perfect story for showing kids that, even if they do mess up, we can also make better choices next time.
Dinosaur vs The Library is one of my favorite books to read to my students before they begin using our classroom books. It’s a great springboard for talking about the appropriate way to handle our classroom books.