R controlled vowels are in many common words that first and second grade students need to be able to read. R controlled vowels are vowels immediately followed by an r. The vowel sound changes and is influenced, or controlled, by the r. Understanding how r controlled words and syllables work is very important for students learning to read. However, sometimes…
Digraph are two letter that make one sound. After learning short vowel words and simple long vowel words, digraph words are the words students often learn next. Here are lists of digraph words organized by vowel sounds for use in your classroom. Scroll to the end of the post to download the free printable lists from my free resource library…
CVCe words, or silent e words, are normally the first long vowel words children learn to write and read. These long vowel words include 3 sounds, a beginning sound, a middle vowel sound that is long, and an ending sound. The e at the end of the word is silent. Kindergarten and first grade teachers use CVCe words often in…
CVC words, or consonant vowel consonant words, are normally the first words children learn to write and read. These short vowel words include 3 sounds, a beginning sound, a middle vowel sound, and an ending sound. Kindergarten and first grade teachers use CVC words often in reading and writing instruction. However, sometimes coming up with CVC words on the spot,…
CVC words and CVC sentence fluency is an important skills for early readers in kindergarten and first grade to practice. It’s also important to teach these skills in a structured and systematic way. Here’s how to work on CVC word and CVC sentence fluency in your classroom. Ways to Practice CVC Words Before you put sentences in front of your students, you want to start with practicing…