ABC & CVC Intervention Activities: Write On, Wipe Off


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CVC Words and understanding the letter names, sounds, and formation of the alphabet is such an important and foundational skill! This collection of 12 intervention resources are exactly what you need to practice these key skills with your students in small groups or an intervention setting! These are activities that I have used as an intervention teacher and have found them engaging, easy to use, and effective.

This 209 page resource includes 12 write on, wipe off reusable activities that focus on ABCs and CVC words! These activities are designed to be put into a plastic page protector or laminated to use over and over again with a dry erase marker! They are designed to help your students practice basic letter formation, sound recognition skills as well as segmenting, blending, building, and reading CVC words! These activities can be used over and over. They are not “one and done” resources.

View the preview to grab one activity for FREE and get a closer look at everything that’s included!

This resource includes:

**5 Alphabet Activities**

– ABC Trace, Write, and Say- letter formation, names, and sounds

ABC First Sound Fluency Find It- beginning letter sounds with picture only

– ABC Fill, & Find- (26- one for each letter) letter formation, names, and sounds

– ABC Grab, Say, & Build (3 versions- uppercase, lowercase, and mixed case)- letter formation, names, sign language, and sounds

– ABC Follow Directions (5 mats with answer keys)- following directions, letter formation, names, and sounds

**7 CVC Activities**

– Sound Smash CVC Words- building, blending, and reading CVC words

– Build CVC Words-building, blending, and reading CVC words

– Flip, Say, & Write- segmenting and writing CVC words

– Roll a CVC Word Games: Real or Nonsense words (27 word families, 32 game boards)- reading CVC words

– CVC Grab, Say, Build (5 game boards- one for each short vowel) reading and building CVC words

– Find & Circle CVC Word Hunt (5 game boards- one for each short vowel) reading CVC words

– CVC Fluency Drill Cards (10 included)

**Supplemental Materials**

– ABC Reference Chart

– Vowel Sound Reference Chart

– ABC cards for making words

– Short vowel picture cards (color & black & white)

– Blank picture card template

– Answer keys and short vowel CVC word list for Flip, Say, Write

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