Decodable Partner Plays Long Vowel Teams: Phonics Skill Fluency Practice



Decodable partner plays for Kindergarten and First Grade at your finger tips. Fluency and phonics skill practice has never been so fun! These decodable long vowel team partner plays are the perfect phonics based practice for your kindergarten and first grade students. Print and go, these engaging, kid friendly reader’s theater scripts are a must have at your guided reading table.

Each script is two pages and the perfect length for students reading on a kindergarten or first grade level. All words that are contained in each play are written out on the first page. This allows you to ensure that your students will be able to decode the words in each play.

What’s Included:

Quail and Snail- long a- ai

A Day by the Bay- long a- ay

Eel’s Creek- long e- ee

Eat with Pea and Bean- long e- ea

The Cookie Thief- long e- ie

The Jet Fight- long i- igh

Pies and Spies- long i- ie

Toad and Goat on a Boat- long o-oa

Fun in the Snow- long o-ow

Moe, Joe, and the Doe- long o-oe

Each play includes a “Get Ready to Read” page that includes the title of the play, the skill focus, the character, and the setting. It also includes a list of all skill focused words and other words included in the story. Lastly, it includes a “words to know” section that includes 3 words in the story that might be unfamiliar. A picture cue is provided.

Each play script is two pages long. This allows you to print them back to back if you wish. Have students highlight their parts to make reading easier. Most plays have characters that are not gendered so any student can play each role.

Each play includes an optional headband template for students to use. Both color and black and white headband pieces are included. You can have students color the black and white version or just use the color version. Simple print out the page, cut out the pieces, and tape or staple them to a strip of construction paper or a sentence strip.

Two versions are included for easy printing. The original version includes each play script followed by the black and white and colored headbands. The second version has all of the play scripts first, followed by the black and white headbands, followed by the colored headbands. This makes for easy printing choices for you!

Find more Decodable Partner Plays here:

CVC and CVCe

Consonant Digraph

As always, my goal is to make teaching a breeze!

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