Fluency Drill Cards



Fluency is such an important reading skill, and these quick and easy to use cards will help your students practice while you can track their growth! They’re designed to use again and again.

These Fluency Drill Cards are designed as the perfect quick check for your students’ fluency. This is a great warm up activity for the first few minutes of small group before heading into guided reading. Students read their card 3 times. Time them each time, and record their time at the bottom.

To prep: simply laminate or slide into plastic pockets to use again and again. This also allows you to write student’s times with dry erase makers. You can cut the cards apart and keep them together with a binder ring for easy storage.

What’s Included:

Drill Cards for the Following Skills:

Letter Sounds or Names (includes 10 upper case and 10 lower case)

CVC Nonsense Words (10 drill cards)

CVC Real Words (10 drill cards)

Digraphs (10 drill cards)

Blends (10 drill cards)

Long Vowels (CVCe, vowel teams, and mixed- 12 total)

Variant Vowels (4 drill cards)

R Controlled Vowels (4 drill cards)

CVC Sentences (8 drill cards)

Sentence Fluency (10 drill cards)

Plus: An easy to use Teacher Recording Sheet

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