Fluency Passages First Grade All Year Jolly Phonics Compatible


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Fluency passages for the whole year: these first grade fluency passages are a great tool to help your students practice their reading expression, intonation, rate, and accuracy. These 30 original passages follow a decodable structured scope and sequence and are perfect for classrooms using a structured literacy approach and following the science of reading. These passages follow a similar scope and sequence to Jolly Phonics.

View this preview to view the scope and sequence and to get a closer look at this resource.

What’s Included:

-30 original fluency passages that grow progressively with your students


Three different versions of each passage is included:

version 1- has a large space for students to draw a picture of the story

version 2- has three spaces for students to draw the beginning, middle, and end of the story

version 3- the passage written in big print only


Each passage is numbered, includes a spot for students to color in after each reading, and includes the specific sounds from the scope and sequence that are used in that passage.

Scope and Sequence:

This is the scope and sequence the passages use. Each row of sounds is introduced within the passages together and builds on itself progressively.

  1. s a t p i n c k
  2. e h r m
  3. d g o u
  4. u l f b j z
  5. w v y
  6. x qu ai oa ie
  7. ee or oo oo ue
  8. sh
  9. ch
  10. th th
  11. ng
  12. ar
  13. a-e
  14. i-e
  15. o-e
  16. e-e u-e
  17. y(ie)
  18. ay
  19. oy oi
  20. y(ee)
  21. ea
  22. igh
  23. compound words (I use this to review sounds previously taught)
  24. ow (long o)
  25. er ir ur
  26. ew
  27. aw au
  28. al
  29. ou ow
  30. nk

Why use Fluency Passages?

Fluency passages are a great way to practice important reading skills. Having your students read a passages multiple times out loud can help them develop their expression, rate, and accuracy. These passages are designed for that purpose and follow a similar scope and sequence to the Jolly Phonics scope and sequences with a few minor changes. You can find the scope and sequence after this how to use section.

How to use Fluency Passages?

You can use these passages multiple ways, and I have included three versions that you can choose from: a version with a large space for students to draw a picture after reading, a version with three spaces to draw the beginning, middle, and end, and a version with only the passage.

These passages can be used one on one, in small group, or even whole group. You can have students read them multiple times in one lesson or a few times throughout the week. I personally like to read the passage first with my students listening so they can heat the proper pace, intonation and inflection. Then, they can give it a try on their own.

How ever you use them, multiple readings are key to building fluency, and these passages are perfect for that!

Why is the scope and sequence a bit different?

While my school uses the Jolly Phonics scope and sequence, I have made some changes in the order I teach certain sounds because it is more logical. For example, I teach y as in sky before y as in baby because y says i at the end of one syllable words and y says e at the end of two syllable words.

Why do the beginning passages begin with single letter sounds?

At the beginning of first grade, I spend a good month reviewing single letter sounds and the sounds taught during the previous year. Even if the teacher the year before did a solid job, it’s likely that not every student can read and apply each of those sounds. For this reason, I created the first handful of passages to only review kindergarten level sounds. If your students don’t need this review, it can still be helpful to begin fluency work using sounds that aren’t too complex. It will make it easier for students to focus on the components of fluency rather than spending all of their cognitive energy decoding.

Please Note: These products were created as supplemental resources to complement teaching structured phonics programs like Jolly Phonics. These products were independently created and are not officially endorsed, sponsored, or affiliated with Jolly Learning Ltd.

I hope this resource is as useful in your classroom as it has been in mine!

As always, my goal is to make teaching a breeze!

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