Tag: writing

Phonics Rules for Teachers, Reading, Writing

The Difference Between Decoding and Encoding and How to Support Students

Encoding and decoding are two connected but different skills. While both of these skills are important, understanding the difference between the two is crucial to good literacy instruction. If you can pinpoint whether a struggling student need to work on their encoding or decoding skills, you can better target your phonics, reading, and writing instruction. Let’s examine what encoding and…

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Reading, Writing

How to Implement a Reading Fluency Creative Writing Routine

Many students in the primary grades struggle with writing stories and reading with fluency. When I noticed that my first graders had mastered writing a good, basic sentence, but couldn’t string a few together, I knew a needed to find a solution. They also needed to work on their reading fluency, so I decided to solve both problems at once:…

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Classroom Organization, New Teacher Tips, Reading

How to Set Up and Run Reading Centers in a First Grade Classroom

Reading centers are an important part of your literacy instruction because it gives you time to target key skills with students. It also allows students to make some choices in their own practice and learning. Knowing how to set up reading centers in a way that is simple for you and engaging for students will set you up for a…

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