Tag: writing

Reading, Writing

How to Ignite Student Writing With Rich Literature

Student writing and reading are intrinsically linked. As teachers, it’s not just our responsibility to teach our students the mechanics of writing and reading. Rather, we must work to ignite a passion for both! That connection between reading and writing is key to unlocking our students hidden potential as strong writers. We can use rich literature as mentor text (read more about why…

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Classroom Management, Enrichment, Holidays, Writing

Thankful Students? Cultivating an Attitude of Gratitude

November is a time for cooler temperatures, turkeys, and thankfulness! Today I’m going to share a simple way to instill an attitude of gratitude in your students this November as they prepare for Thanksgiving. By spending a little time each day focusing on thankfulness, by the end of the month, your students will see that they truly have so much…

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Enrichment, Holidays, Math, Reading, Science, Writing

Pumpkin Exploration Day: Engaging Ideas for Your Learners

Pumpkin exploration, pumpkin investigation, or just pumpkin day! Whatever you call it, your students will love these fun, hands on science, reading, writing, and character education activities! Watch my Facebook Live video about this topic here. All of the free printables I’m going to share in this post are available in our Facebook group files here. Pumpkin Exploration: Let them…

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Holidays, Reading, Social Studies

Fire Safety: Hands On, Engaging Activities Your Students Will Love

Fire safety is such an important topic to expose our students to. Whether you’re discussing fire Safety during Fire Safety week in October, a community helpers unit, or any time of the year, here are some of my favorite books and activities to use with students. Fire Safety Books This post contains affiliate links. If there is a Gail Gibbons…

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Sentence Basics: How To Teach Sentence Writing to Beginners

Sentence writing: how do you teach young students such a complex skill? Today, I’m going to share some engaging ideas to teach students to write simple sentences with capitals, punctuation, and proper spacing. These ideas use a gradual release method, and typically take about a week. These lessons are helpful before beginning your writing curriculum for the year. It’s pretty…

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